How do we go about decreasing the habitats where mosquitoes breed?  Our Mosquito Control crew travel throughout Levy County and perform monthly treatment at local tire businesses and at known "tire dump" sites.  Folks can report tire dump sites by calling our office at 352.486.5127.

We also larvicide areas that have standing water with what is commonly known as "mosquito dunks" or pellets.

Containers such as tires, buckets, planters, toys, pools, birdbaths, flowerpots, old cans & bottles are just some of the places the Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus (MOSQUITOES) like to lay their eggs around our homes.  Eliminating these containers, changing the water weekly or by covering up with lids reduces the places where the female mosquito likes to lay her eggs.  Such action reduces the chance of people being infected with dengue, chikungunya or the Zika virus by an infected female mosquito.

Home Inspections can be performed to point out possible breeding sites on your property and around your home.  Did you know that the "V" (connection between branches) in oak trees is one of the favorite places mosquito will lay their eggs?  One of our crew can provide information in ways to reduce mosquito larvae in these hidden places around your home.


Pictured below are mosquito larvae and pupa; the next stage is adult mosquitoes!

Protect Yourself, Your Family, and Community from Mosquitoes


1. Eliminate standing water in and around your home:

Once a week, empty and scrub, turn over, cover, or throw out items that hold water, such as tires

buckets, planters, toys, birdbaths or trash containers.

Tightly cover water storage containers (buckets, cisterns, rain barrels) so that mosquitoes cannot get inside to

lay eggs.

For containers without lids, use wire mesh with holes smaller than an adult mosquito.


2.  If you have a septic tank, follow these steps:

Repair cracks or gaps.

Cover open vent or plumbing pipes. Use wire mesh with holes smaller than an adult mosquito.

3.  Keep Mosquitoes out of your home:

Use screens on windows and doors.

Repair holes in screens.

Use air conditioning when available.

4.  Prevent mosquito bites:

Use an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered insect repellent with one of the following active ingredients.  All EPA registered insect repellents are evaluated to make sure they are safe & effective.

ACTIVE INGREDIENT:     DEET, Picaridin (also known as KBR 3023), Bayrepel,  icaridin, IR3535, or Oil of eucalyptus.
SOME BRAND NAME EXAMPLES:   OFF!, Cutter, Sawyer, Ultrathon.  Cutter Advanced, Skin so soft Bug Guard Plus. Repel.


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